A tune function for a distance metric learning algorithm, using k-NN score as metric.

tune_knn(dml, X, y, n_neighbors, dml_params, tune_args, n_folds = 5,
  n_reps = 1, verbose = FALSE, seed = NULL, ...)



array-like (N x d), training vector, where N is the number of samples, and d is the number of features.


array-like (N), labels vector, where N is the number of samples.


Number of neighbors for k-NN.


Additional keyword parameters for the distance metric learning algorithm, specified in a named list.


A named list woth the parameters of the DML algorithm to tune. Each key has to be a keyword argument of the DML. The associated values have to be lists containing all the desired values for the tuning parameters.


Number of folds for cross validation.


Number of cross validations to do.


Boolean. If True, a console log will be printed.


Integer. The seed used by the random number generator


Additional keyword arguments for k-NN.


string with the name of the DML Algorithm to tune. Select it from the items in the list `dml`.


A list with the following elements: - results: A dataframe whose entries are all the cases considered for the tune parameters, and with a single column that shows the cross validation score for each case. - best_performance: A pair with the best case obtained, together with its corresponding score. - best_dml: The DML Algorithm object that obtained the best result in the tuning. - detailed_results: A named list whose keys are all the possible cases, and each entry is the cross validation table for the corresponding case, containing the scores for every fold.