A distance metric learning algorithm to improve the nearest class with multiple centroids classifier.

NCMC(num_dims = NULL, centroids_num = 3, learning_rate = "adaptive",
  eta0 = 0.3, initial_transform = NULL, max_iter = 300,
  tol = 1e-15, prec = 1e-15, descent_method = "SGD",
  eta_thres = 1e-14, learn_inc = 1.01, learn_dec = 0.5, ...)



Desired value for dimensionality reduction. If None, the dimension of transformed data will be the same as the original. Integer.


If it is a list, it must have the same size as the number of classes. In this case, i-th item will be the number of centroids to take in the i-th class. If it is an int, every class will have the same number of centroids.


Type of learning rate update for gradient descent. Possible values are: - 'adaptive' : the learning rate will increase if the gradient step is succesful, else it will decrease. - 'constant' : the learning rate will be constant during all the gradient steps.


The initial value for learning rate.


If array or matrix that will represent the starting linear map for gradient descent, where d is the number of features, and d' is the dimension specified in num_dims. If None, euclidean distance will be used. If a string, the following values are allowed: - 'euclidean' : the euclidean distance. - 'scale' : a diagonal matrix that normalizes each attribute according to its range will be used.


Maximum number of iterations of gradient descent. Integer.


Tolerance stop criterion (difference between two iterations). Float.


Precision stop criterion (gradient norm). Float.


The descent method to use. Allowed values are: - 'SGD' : stochastic gradient descent. - 'BGD' : batch gradient descent.


A learning rate threshold stop criterion. Float.


Increase factor for learning rate. Ignored if learning_rate is not 'adaptive'. Float.


Decrease factor for learning rate. Ignored if learning_rate is not 'adaptive'. Float.


Aditional argument for Scikit-Learn K-Means.


The NCMC transformer, structured as a named list.


Thomas Mensink et al. “Metric learning for large scale image classification: Generalizing to new classes at near-zero cost”. In: Computer Vision–ECCV 2012. Springer, 2012, pages 488-501.