The kernelized version of LMNN.

KLMNN(num_dims = NULL, learning_rate = "adaptive", eta0 = 0.3,
  initial_metric = NULL, max_iter = 100, prec = 1e-08, tol = 1e-08,
  k = 3, mu = 0.5, learn_inc = 1.01, learn_dec = 0.5,
  eta_thres = 1e-14, kernel = "linear", gamma = NULL, degree = 3,
  coef0 = 1, kernel_params = NULL, target_selection = "kernel")



Desired value for dimensionality reduction. Ignored if solver is 'SDP'. If NULL, all features will be kept. Integer.


Type of learning rate update for gradient descent. Possible values are: - 'adaptive' : the learning rate will increase if the gradient step is succesful, else it will decrease. - 'constant' : the learning rate will be constant during all the gradient steps.


The initial value for learning rate.


If array or matrix, and solver is SDP, it must be a positive semidefinite matrix with the starting metric (d x d) for gradient descent, where d is the number of features. If None, euclidean distance will be used. If a string, the following values are allowed: - 'euclidean' : the euclidean distance. - 'scale' : a diagonal matrix that normalizes each attribute according to its range will be used. If solver is 'SGD', then the array or matrix will represent a linear map (d' x d), where d' is the dimension provided in num_dims.


Maximum number of iterations of gradient descent. Integer.


Precision stop criterion (gradient norm). Float.


Tolerance stop criterion (difference between two iterations). Float.


Number of target neighbors to take. If this algorithm is used for nearest neighbors classification, a good choice is to take k as the number of neighbors. Integer.


The weight of the push error in the minimization algorithm. The objective function is composed of a push error, given by the impostors, with weight mu, and a pull error, given by the target neighbors, with weight (1-mu). It must be between 0.0 and 1.0.


Increase factor for learning rate. Ignored if learning_rate is not 'adaptive'. Float.


Decrease factor for learning rate. Ignored if learning_rate is not 'adaptive'. Float.


A learning rate threshold stop criterion. Float.


Kernel to use. Allowed values are: "linear" | "poly" | "rbf" | "sigmoid" | "cosine" | "precomputed".


Kernel coefficient for rbf, poly and sigmoid kernels. Ignored by other kernels. Default value is 1/n_features. Float.


Degree for poly kernels. Ignored by other kernels. Integer.


Independent term for poly and sigmoid kernels. Ignored by other kernels. Float.


Parameters (keyword arguments) and values for kernel passed as callable object. Ignored by other kernels.


How to find the target neighbors. Allowed values are: - 'kernel' : using the euclidean distance in the kernel space. - 'original' : using the euclidean distance in the original space.


The KLMNN transformer, structured as a named list.


Kilian Q Weinberger and Lawrence K Saul. “Distance metric learning for large margin nearest neighbor classification”. In: Journal of Machine Learning Research 10.Feb (2009), pages 207-244.

Lorenzo Torresani and Kuang-chih Lee. “Large margin component analysis”. In: Advances in neural information processing systems. 2007, pages 1385-1392.